Friday, 26 December 2014

Artist Spent 10 Years Carving a Massive Cave Alone With His Dog

For the last 10 years, American artist Ra Paulette has been walking alone into New Mexico’s desert to work, and he spends his precious time carving a sandstone cave that he has found, turning it into a brilliant subterranean space full of light. It is really an amazing that no one but his dog for company, Paulette formed diverse designs and styles for every cavern, giving every one very precise qualities and textures.

The objective of this colossal artwork is to build an environment that would motivate and spiritual renewal and personal wellbeing. It will also serve as a place for artistic events once it’s ended. Moreover every piece of gravel rock is that old and still you can buy rocks at the store. Just like as oil patches of land, and what not. Human beings have taken over and ruined the planet that is millions of millions years old and you’re complaining because a man has an eco-cave? This is really interesting that the cave was not pre-existing, and dug them out by hand. If you dig a hole on the land you own you still own the land and the hole. What an incredible place to go to work and such a fine co-worker to spend the day with you.

The photographs though astonishing looking really don’t do the place justice. They’re truly remarkable, with great light and very cozy, not damp or "cave like". I was working as a builder at the time and it completely blew my mind. I’ve never seen anything like it before or since. One you’ve to see them in person to have faith in it.Source: boredpanda

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Artist Creates Steampunk Animals from Old Things

Russian artist Igor Vernity creates steampunk animals from old things, like car parts, watches and electronics. When working with metal, it takes a true master to breathe life into their artwork. He does just that with his gorgeous and stylish articulated steampunk animal sculptures. Their moving parts and obtains attention to detail makes them come alive. 

A great work & dedication goes on behind the scenes before his actual effort creates his artwork. Vernity observes his creations’ living counterparts to ensure that he captures their movements’ just right. Then, he assembles them from numerous pieces of scrap metal, old car parts, bike parts, clock movements, tableware, and anything else that fit in his artwork. He says; at heart, I’m artist, and I see the beauty of earth in bright colors, because the combination of good qualities has led to the creation of metal models. 

I’m really inspired by the outside world in particular biology and the question of origin of life. I’m also inspired from natural science, and dreams about the future of human civilization. I know, several individuals bring me old items that I can make in my shop, but I also buy a lot of objects at flea markets and collect them in the garages of my brother and friends. All parts are sorted by category. Feel free to dream childishly about unattainable things, because this always pushes people forward.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Mr. Incredibeard has back with epic bread sculptures

Mr. Incredible man has back with some amazing beard sculptures he made on his face. I’ sure you’d be remember he’s back with more over-the-top beard-dos. He’s famous due to his some as Isaiah Webb, has been perfecting his beard-crafting skills since 2012, so he’s at the top of his hair-styling game right now. His beard sculptures are some of the most advanced we’ve ever seen. Take a breathing look!

Extreme Weather Conditions Turned Mount Javornik into a Kingdom Of Ice

Slovenian photographer Marko Korošec knew save some memorable pictures of extreme weather conditions, when ice and snow formed impressive structures. But what he saw after a long climb to Mount Javornik surpassed his expectations.

After hard ten days of strong Bora wind, snow and freezing fog soaring over Slovenia, the daredevil Korošec set out to Mount Javornik, eager to capture whatsoever bewilderment might be waiting up there. Once he reaches the atop of the mountain, clearing weather showed the sight of widespread skiing resort covered in tremendously thick and hard ice rime, forming sharp, ghostly structures, longest spikes reaching over 1 meter.
Well, I’d love exciting weather with full of snow, and I’ve seen a lot, but this was simply above my imagination what I’ve experienced this time” says Korošec, who’s specializes in photographing weather phenomenon.