Tuesday, 13 January 2015

The Luckiest Man Who Survived Two Nuclear Bomb Attacks

Yamaguchi, who lived in Nagasaki and he died from stomach cancer.  The cancer part maybe isn’t surprising given that Yamaguchi was the only person officially recognized by the Japanese government as having lived through the atomic bombings of both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There were actually well over a 100 or so others as well, possibly as many as 165; they just have never been officially recognized by the Japanese government.  What is surprising, given that history is that Yamaguchi avoided the disease for so long, not dying until January 4, 2010, at the age of 93.
At the age of 29, Yamaguchi was on his way back home from a three month long business trip to Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.  At that time, he was an engineer for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries- specially, working as an oil tanker designer. When he was on his way to the train station to head back to his home in Nagasaki, he abruptly noticed he had forgotten his travel permit and went back to get it while his colleagues, Akira Iwanaga and Kuniyoshi Sato, went on.
Yamaguchi picked up his pass and was on his way back to the station when, at time was 8:15a.m., He says. it was very clear, a surely fine day, nothing strange about it at all. I was in good spirits. As I was walking along I heard the sound of a plane, just one. I looked up into the sky and saw the B-29, and it dropped two parachutes. I was looking up at them, and suddenly it was like a flash of magnesium, a great flash in the sky, and I was blown over. He saw a bomber flying over the city and “two small parachutes”, then a rush of blinding light, sound, wind, and heat knocked him to the ground. Mr. Yamaguchi had the bad luck of being about 3 kilometer from a nuclear blast.  The abrupt effects of this were his ear drums rupturing, provisionally blindness, and burns over much of his upper body.
After his initial disorientation, and in spite of his injuries, Tsutomu managed to make his way to an air-raid shelter where he met up with his two coworkers who had also survived the blast. He spent his night in the shelter and in the morning he and his colleagues headed back to Nagasaki through train as originally planned.  When he arrived, he received bandage treatments from a local hospital, and when he felt well enough to report for work on August the 9th, just 3 days later. Now I feel like a bit of a pansy about taking a full week off while I had the flu.
Of course, Yamaguchi had to explain his burns to his colleagues. His manager was in disbelief over his claim that it was a single explosion that destroyed much of Hiroshima. You’re an engineer,” he said to Tsutomu, “calculate it how could one bomb destroy an entire city?” The manager spoke too soon. According to Yamaguchi, during this conversation the air-raid sirens went off and then, once again, he saw a blinding white light. He dropped to the floor instantly; he was familiar with the drill. I thought the mushroom cloud had followed me from Hiroshima.
Both bombs exploded near the city centers and both were just about three kilometers away from Tsutomu’s position at the time.  In spite of this heavy explosion being slightly more powerful than the one at Hiroshima (21 kilotons vs. 16 kilotons at Hiroshima), thanks to the city’s uneven terrain and the fact that several parts of the city were divided by water, which prevented the widespread fire damage that happened in Hiroshima, there wasn’t almost the amount of overall infrastructure damage. Yamaguchi himself experienced no immediate injury from this second explosion, though of course was exposed to another high dose of ionizing radiation and medical supplies to treat his existing burns were now in short supply.
Stimulatingly, Yamaguchi almost didn’t have to go through this ordeal twice.  Nagasaki was not the original target for the second nuke- that was the city of Kokura.  However, thanks to a cloud covering Kokura when the US bomber arrived, they had to divert to a secondary target, Nagasaki, as the mission stipulated that they were not to drop the bomb unless they had a visual of the target.  When the bomber arrived at Nagasaki, they also found substantial cloud cover, but they were low on fuel, it was not likely to divert to another target, so they made their run anyways, despite their orders.  When they got close, just before releasing, they did have a brief visual to confirm their location before dropping the bomb.  Had they had more fuel or there not been a cloud cover over Kokura, Yamaguchi and a not insignificant portion of the Japanese population would have had their lives extremely changed, obviously some for the good and some for the bad.
Amazingly, unlike so many others who experienced even just one of the blasts, Yamaguchi went on to live a long and healthy life with the only major permanent physical health problem as the result of the bombings being the loss of hearing in his left ear, however the burns took some time to heal; he briefly lost all his hair; and he experienced a great deal of psychological trauma, as one might expect.  He and his wife, Hisako, even went on to have children, who all turned out perfectly healthy, which at least at the time, not so much today, was thought to be something of a wonder considering both parents had been exposed to such intense levels of ionizing radiation.
Yamaguchi’s wife lived to 88, dying of kidney and liver cancer.  Yamaguchi himself lived to the ripe old age of 93 years old and for most of his life made little mention of the fact that he would been present at both bombings.  He originally just registered as a survivor of Nagasaki.  According to one of his daughters, his perceptive for downplaying this, and not registering as a survivor of Hiroshima as well, was his robust health through most of his life.  He felt it would be insolent to the many thousands who were not so fortunate, health-wise.
When he reaches in his 80′s, he changed his stance, breaking his silence on the matter and officially applying for recognition as a survivor of both blasts, which was granted by the Japanese government in 2009, shortly before his death. He then dedicated the rest of his life to campaigning for the disarmament of nuclear weapons from all nations.  He even wrote a book outlining his experience, which included many poems he wrote about the event Raft of Corpses. In spite it all, Yamaguchi considered himself very lucky.  As he said shortly before his death, I could have died on either of those days and everything that follows in my life is a bonus.

Brave Buffalo Takes on Three Hungry Lions to Rescue Young Calf After it is snatched from the Herd.

Amateur photographer Andreas Häntzschel, 39 from Aachen, Germany, captured the whole clash on camera when a valiant buffalo charged three lions after they grabbed a young calf from the herd. The three hungry lions crept up on the buffalo and calf in north-west Tanzania, East Africa, causing them to disperse in a terrifying 90-second ordeal. Though the bulk of the buffalo escaped, one animal turned back and stood firm against the lions in a bid to save its young. Although the big buffalo rallied and stood between her young and the lion's teeth while charging horns-first at the circling predators. The three lions grabbed the opportunity to surround their prey and closed in on the calf. Nonetheless the outnumbered buffalo could not hold them at bay and a young lion pounced and snapped away the baby between its jaws. Moreover only the quick-thinking reactions of the young buffalo protected young calf from death. The 1,000 pound beast ploughed into all three lions just as they looked set to feast on the calf. And the rest of the herd arrived just in time to mount a gripping rescue and send the lions retreating with their tales firmly between their legs.  

Andreas said; I really like Mother Nature, and I like travelling and to take pictures in a documentary style. This was absolutely unreal clash of Buffalo and three lions. This was astonishing and you don't get a lot of chances to realize something like it. To see lions are not too remarkable but to see them fighting is really great. To be honest, i believe the buffaloes were very brave to save themselves. Andreas, who works as a portfolio manager for an energy company, and he used a Canon DSLR to take the photographs while filming with a Panasonic Video Cam. Many people ask me how I managed to see that and then they’re pleased to see the buffalo calf alive. But I was so angry that I didn't take my full HD camera with me.Watch Video at Dailymail

Monday, 12 January 2015

A Robot That Turns Any Beach into Sand Drawing

As you know very well, that Disney is famous for animated character on the stage and screen, now they’ve invented a robot which can turns any beach into sand drawings. Well, the latest creation of Disney’s Beachbot which is an autonomous robot that draws pictures on the beach using state of art technology. The adorable bot that looks like a turtle can create sketches and images by dragging seven. The robot is 60 cm in length and 40 cm in width and height. 

The Beachbot has a three wheel arrangement with differential drive back wheels and also has a steering wheel in the front. The artist in charge of the robot sets down poles in the sand to tell the robot the space in which it may draw. The robot may either be controlled manually or the artist can send it a file image to replicate. As long as the artist can draw it, BeachBot can draw it too. Moreover the BeachBot is not just a lifeless, mechanical being; it is a friendly looking creature with a soul,' says the robot's official website.

French Photographer Captures Hot Spring and Moment of Icelandic Geysers Bubble

The 30 year old landscape photographer Alban Henderyckx captures beautiful hot springs and moment Icelandic geysers bubble of moodily atmospheric shots of shooting steam and bubbling liquid could have been taken on the moon or some far flung planet, at the very least the set of a sci-fi film. Alban Henderyckx capture the incredible pictures during a trip to Vatnajökull also known as the Vatna Glacier, actually a largest and most voluminous Icelandic glacier, located in the south-east of the island, covering more than eight per cent of the country. This is also famous as and one of the largest in area in Europe.
By wandering someplace in the inland of the Iceland, you’ve to awake almost 24 hours in the surrounded of a thick fog, even driving on the hectic desert trails of Highlands. You know, actually a geyser is a vent in Earth's surface that periodically ejects a column of hot water and steam. However in some geysers have eruptions that blast thousands of gallons of boiling hot water up to a few hundred feet in the air. Therefore; the most renowned geyser is in Yellowstone National Park in the United States often called Old Faithful which erupts every 60 to 90 minutes and blasts hot water up to 200 feet into the air. Alban explaining his work, I instinctively followed the energy of my subconscious to immerse myself more in a world without artifice, nature and the vastness of the landscape.

Ice Volcanoes of the Great Lakes

During the winter months, when the Great Lakes in North America freezes over, an exclusive feature often called “ice volcanoes” starts forming along the edge of the frozen lakes. When the winter ice starts to build along the shores of large lakes, strong winds blowing onshore and wave motion on the waters break up the ice, and they start piling on top of each and building what is recognized as an ice shelf. Moreover amongst the plentiful ice blocks comprising a shelf, numerous develop cracks.

Waves coming into shore from deeper water strike the edge of the ice shelf trigger off them to go under the ice and as the water depth becomes shallow, the potent energy in the wave causes it to rise up, just like a tsunami. Thus when the energetic wave finds a crack on the ice sheet, it reasons the water to sprout making an ice volcano. If the hole is covered with snow, the eruption may spray snow outward alike a volcanic gas cloud. Further a more suitable name for these sprouting water holes would have been ‘blowholes’, but ice volcanoes really grow just like their geological cousins. When the ejected water falls back onto the ice, it rapidly freezes and starts to form an ice cone, this is the process very related to the building of a lava cone surrounding a geologic volcanic vent. Thought the ice cones range in size from 3 feet to more than 30 feet high, and spew a mixture of icy cold water and chunks of ice itself.

Moreover not all ice sheets develop ice volcanoes as to build a good ice volcano cone, this has to required unique set of conditions and the surface air temperature must be some degrees below freezing and lake waves more than a few feet high and breaking onshore, which is perhaps why they’re seen at very few places such as on the shores of Lake Michigan, Lake Erie and Lake Superior.