nest primarily in colonies, although some of the larger species also nest
solitarily. Many populations migrate annually between breeding and wintering
areas. North American gull species range in size from Bonaparte's gull 33 cm
bill tip to tail tip to the great black-backed gull is 76 cm.
The Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) is 64 cm, has the largest
range of any North American gull, from Newfoundland south to the Chesapeake Bay
along the north Atlantic and west throughout the Great Lakes into Alaska. Along
the Pacific coast, the similar-sized western gull (L. occidentalis) is the
ecological equivalent of the herring gull.
Both species take primarily natural foods, especially fish, though
some individuals of both species forage around fishing operations and
landfills. The increase in the number of herring gulls in this century has been
attributed to the increasing abundance of year-round food supplies found in
However, birds specializing in garbage
have such low reproductive success that they cannot replace themselves in the
population. An alternative explanation of the species' expansion is that
cessation of the taking of gulls by the feather industry in the late 1800s.
This has allowed gull numbers to return to pre-exploitation levels.
Body Size
Adult females are normally 800 to 1,000 g significantly smaller
than males 1,000 to 1,300 g in both the herring gull and the western gull. The
chicks grow from their hatching weight of about 60 to 70 g to 800 to 900 g
within 30 to 40 days. Once after which time their weight stabilizes. The Adults show seasonal variation in body weight.
Nesting colonies of herring gulls along the northeastern coast of
the United States are found primarily on sandy or rocky offshore or barrier
beach islands. In the Great Lakes, they are found on the more remote, secluded,
and protected islands and shorelines of the lakes and their connecting rivers.
Smaller colonies or isolated pairs also can be found in coastal marshes.
The peninsulas, or cliffs along seacoasts, lakes, and rivers, and
occasionally in inland areas or on buildings or piers. Gulls are the most
abundant seabirds offshore from fall through spring.
They are only found predominantly inshore during the breeding season in late
spring and summer season. Herring Gulls forage predominantly offshore, within 1
to 5 km of the coast. In all seasons the number of birds feeding at sea
outnumber those feeding inshore.
Inshore, Herring gulls forage primarily in intertidal zones but
also search for food in wet fields, around lakes, bays, and rock jetties, and
at landfills in some areas. In Florida, herring gull presence at landfills is
restricted to the winter months December through April. They may consist
primarily of first-year birds that migrated from more northerly populations
(e.g., from the Great Lakes).
Herring Gull Diet
Gulls feed on a variety of foods depending on availability,
including fish, squid, crustacea, molluscs, worms, insects, small mammals and
birds, duck and gull eggs and chicks, and garbage. Gulls forage on open water
by aerial dipping and shallow diving around concentrations of prey.
At sea, such concentrations often are associated with whales or
dolphins, other seabirds, or fishing boats. In the Great Lakes, concentrations
of species such as alewife occur seasonally when spawning. Gulls also forage by
stealing food from other birds and by scavenging around human refuse sites
i.e., garbage dumps, fish plants, docks, and seaside parks.
Individual pairs of gulls may specialize predominantly on a single
type of food; for example, three quarters of a population of herring gulls in
Newfoundland were found to specialize either on blue mussels, garbage, or
adults of Leach's storm-petrel, with 60 percent of the specialists
concentrating on mussels between 0.5 and 3 cm in length.
Diet choices may change with the age and experience of adult birds
as well as with the availability of prey. Females take smaller prey and feed
less on garbage than do males). Females to feed more on smelt (100 to 250 mm) and males more on
alewife (250 to 300 mm) in the Great Lakes region.
Adult gulls sometimes attack and eat chicks of neighboring gulls
or other species of seabird. Juveniles up to 3 years of age forage less
efficiently than adults. In the Great Lakes, herring gulls' high consumption of
alewife during their spawn may result in high exposures of the gulls to
lipophilic contaminants that bio-magnify.
It is estimated an annual energy budget for free-living female
herring gulls that breed in the Great Lakes and an annual energy budget for
free-living juvenile herring gulls in the Great Lakes in their first year.
Between September and March, the non-breeding season, they estimate that adult
females require 250 to 260 kcal/day.
Following a dip in energy requirements to 210 kcal/day when the
male feeds the female during courtship, the female's needs increase to peak at
280 kcal/day for egg production, then fall to approximately 210 kcal/day during
incubation. The energy required to forage for food for the chicks is
substantial, rising through July to peak in August at 310 to 320 kcal/day.
However, then declining again until September when feeding chicks
has ceased. These estimates compare well with those derived from Nagy's
equation to estimate free-living metabolic rates for seabirds. Except that the
energy peaks required is to produce eggs and to feed chicks are not included in
Nagy's model. The overview of seabird energetic and additional discussion to
approaches and models for estimating metabolic rates of free-ranging seabirds.
Herring Gull chicks are downy gray with dark brown spotting and
molt into a dark-gray or brown mottled juvenile plumage. At the end of the
first year, portions of the plumage have paled, and by the second year, gray
plumage develops along the back and top of wings. By their third year, young
gulls resemble dirty adults, and they acquire their full adult plumage by 4
The adult gulls, at least in some populations, begin their primary
feather molt during incubation and complete the molt by mid-to-late fall. They
molt and replace the large body feathers from mid-summer to early fall.
Herring gull populations along the northeast coast of North
America tend to be migratory, while adult herring gulls of the Great Lakes are
year-round residents. Along the western North Atlantic, most herring gulls
arrive on their breeding grounds between late February and late April.
They remain until late August or early September when they leave
for their wintering grounds along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts or well
offshore. Therefore, the adult and older sub-adult herring gulls in the Great
Lakes area are essentially non-migratory. Thus, in contrast to other
fish-eating birds in the Great Lakes system that migrate south in the winter,
herring gulls are exposed to any contaminants that may be in Great Lakes' fish
throughout the year.
The post-breeding dispersal away from breeding colonies starts in
late July and ends in August, with all ages traveling short distances. Great
Lakes herring gulls less than a year old usually migrate to the Gulf or
Atlantic coast, traveling along with river systems and the coast.
Herring Gull Nest
Herring Gulls nest primarily in colonies on offshore islands, and
nest density is strongly affected by population size. Naturally, males arrive
at the breeding grounds first and establish territories. Both sexes build the
nest of vegetation on the ground in areas that are sheltered from the wind but
may be exposed to the sun. Males feed females for 10 to 15 days prior to the
start of egg-laying.
Breeding Activities and Social Organization
From the laying of the first egg until the chicks are 3 to 4 weeks
old, one or both parents will always be present. Males perform most territorial
defense, females perform most incubation, and both parents feed the chicks
until they are at least 6 to 7 weeks old. All gulls are strongly monogamous;
pair bonds can persist for 10 or more years and usually only are terminated by
the death of a mate or failure to reproduce successfully.
Males may be promiscuous in populations with more females than
males. Herring gull colonies often are found in association with colonies of
other species, including other gulls. In some nesting colonies, gulls attack
chicks of neighboring gulls and other species.
Herring Gull Range
During the breeding season, herring gulls defend a territory of
several tens of square meters around the immediate vicinity of the nest. Their
daily foraging range depends on the availability of prey and on the foraging
strategy, age, and sex of the gull. Also, they are using radio telemetry on
gulls in the Great Lakes.
This has demonstrated
that some parents with chick’s forage at specific locations within one km of
the colony. Whereas other parents make extended flights to destinations across
a lake more than 30 km away. Similarly, gulls that feed at sea may range tens
of kilometers from their nest whereas gulls from the same colony feeding in the
intertidal zone may travel less than one km. Males typically range farther than
females and take larger prey items. At sea during the nonbreeding season, gulls
may range hundreds of kilometers during a day.
Population density. As described above, population density is
determined by available nesting space, size of the breeding population, and
quality of habitat. Small islands with good feeding areas nearby can have
several hundred nests per hectare. In poor quality habitat, some pairs nest
solitarily without another nest for several kilometers.
Herring gulls and western gulls usually do not start breeding
until at least four years of age for males and 5 years of age for females.
However, in a given year, 15 to 30 percent of adults of breeding age does not
breed. Most breeding females produce three-egg clutches, but individuals in
poor condition may lay only one or two eggs.
Herring gulls will lay replacement eggs if all or a portion of
their original clutch is destroyed. Hatching success appears to be influenced
by female diet, with garbage specialists hatching a smaller percentage of eggs
than fish or intertidal (mussel) specialists. Predation, often by gulls of the
same or other species, also contributes to egg losses.
Many herring gull chicks that hatch die before fledging, most
within the first 5 days after hatching. Adult mortality is low (around 10
percent per year), and some birds may live up to 20 years. Subadult birds
exhibit higher mortality of 20 to 30 percent per year.
Similar Species
1. The western gull (Larus occidentalis) (64 cm), found on the
Pacific coast of the United States, is the ecological equivalent of the herring
gull and is similar in size (53 cm); males range from 1,000 to 1,300 g and
females from 800 to 1,000 g.
2. The glaucous gull (Larus hyperboreus) is larger (69 cm) than
the herring gull and is the predominant gull breeding in the high arctic. Birds
from Alaska are slightly smaller than birds from eastern Canada.
3. The glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens) is similar in
size to the herring gull (66 cm) and is the primary breeding species north of
the Columbia River. This species hybridizes extensively with the herring gull
in Alaska.
4. The California gull (Larus californicus) is smaller (53
cm) than the herring gull. This species breeds primarily in the Great Basin
Desert and winters along the Pacific coast.
5. The great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) is the largest
species of gull (76 cm) in North America and breeds from Labrador to Long
6. The ring-billed gull (Larus delawarensis) is of average size
(45 cm) and is the most common breeding gull in the Great Lakes and northern
7. Franklin's gull (Larus pipixcan) is a small (37 cm), a
summer resident of the Great Plains.
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