Perhaps you
may know it or not, black color is not an uncommon color in the animal world;
because so many animals are black, like bears are black, gorillas are black;
there’re breeds of dogs and cats that are black. But this Indonesian chicken
breed recognized as “Ayam Cemani” takes black color into a completely different
realm. The black color of Ayam Cemani is not limited to its special feathers
and the color is all over and even on the inside. Interestingly everything of
Ayam Cemani is black, like skin, beak, plume, tongue, legs, toe nails; even its
meat, bones, and organs, even bone marrow is black. The chicken blood, though
not black, but extremely dark colored. Ayam Cemani is so remarkable and exotic
that it is referred to as the “Lamborghini of poultry”.
The word
“Ayam” means “chicken” in Indonesian, and “Cemani” translates to “completely
black” in Javanese. This unusual breed originated from Java in Indonesia. They
were introduced in Europe in 1998 by a Dutch breeder, where they drew
substantial attention between poultry enthusiasts due to its appearances and
genetic makeup. Moreover; Ayam Cemani is one of the most expensive chickens in
the world with a solitary bird costing up to $2,500. Ayam Cemani gets their
black coloring from a generic trait recognized as “fibromelanosis”. That helps
the proliferation of black pigment cells. The gene that causes fibromelanosis
is a mutation that is existed in Asia about over 800 years ago. The mutation
made its way to other chicken range, such as the Swedish Black Hen, or Svart
Hona, which has the same fibromelanistic traits as the Ayam Cemani, and
hereafter, as black as the Indonesian breed.
In Asia,
Ayam Cemani is highly liked chicken because due to their meat is thought to
have mystical powers. Their meat is believed to have rich in Iron, consequently
helpful to females before and after childbirth. Birds are at times sacrificed
during childbirth having faith in fortune will come to the laboring mother. The
chicken is also sacrificed on other distinct occasions, as it is believed to be
brought luck. Moreover many Asian people accept as true that eating this
chicken will comfort their conscience, and their crowing brings success. The
chicken lays cream colored eggs the only part of Ayam Cemani that is not black.
Though, being poor sitters, they don’t roost and then the only way to hatch
eggs is to incubate.
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