Saturday 28 October 2023

The Death News of Albert Einstein

P Albert Einstein, who became internationally famous at 26 for his theory of relativity, died Monday after a four-day illness. The 76-year-old world-acclaimed scientist died at Princeton Hospital at 1:15 a.m. of a rupture of the main artery of the body caused by hardening of the arteries. A man who shunned publicity, Einstein had entered the hospital Friday. Only his intimates knew he was ill. His death first was attributed to a gallbladder condition, but an autopsy showed differently. 

The shy, white-haired scholar was credited with making possible the atomic bomb by disclosing a small quantity of matter could produce vast amounts of energy. Einstein was probably the foremost theoretical mathematician and physicist in the world. As recently as 1950, he published a monumental mathematical treatise, the unified field theory. 

This was hailed as a daring tire of mathematics that sought to describe the forces of the universe in a set of equations. At the time of his death, Einstein was a professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study, comprised of world-famous scholars and headed by Dr. Robert Oppenheimer. 

During his late years, he was outspoken in many causes and far removed from the realm of theoretical physics. On several occasions, he advised witnesses called before the congressional subversive investigations committee that they had a duty to refuse to answer questions.



Saturday 7 October 2023

Leaflets of Philippine Botany

Mention of N. sibuyanensis in a 1911 issue of Leaflets of Philippine Botany. Forests clear up to 5000 feet altitude, the upper forests becoming low stocky trees. Along this ridge, I was obliged to cut my own trail to nearly the uppermost apparently insurmountable central summit mass. I believe by making a camp at 4500 feet, a small mountaineering party can make it to the summit. Possibly a little reconnoitering will be necessary before a passable course can be found. All water for camping purposes must be taken along from the valley. My exploration work was therefore confined to the lower region, chiefly along the two already mentioned rivers. 

The vegetation along these rivers proved exceedingly interesting to me, because of its diversity. The Pauala River proved by far the most interesting and novel. This is mainly due to part of the summit vegetation having been washed down and disseminated as botanical floats along its course. Such evident examples are Vaccinium gitingensis Elm., Nepenthes sibuyanensis Elm. and Decaspermun grandiflora Elm. Along this same river were found quantities of Xanthostemon verdugo- nianus Naves which was never seen along the Patoo river. 

The fig flora of Sibuyan is poor and disappointing. Likewise, the ferns, orchids, mosses and palms. Yet otherwise, I am surprised at its novel character, many groups run over fifty percent new, and the writer is certain that there are still remaining many unknown species in the unexplored dense stocky forest region above 5000 feet elevation. The study of my collection brought out very strongly the close relationship of the Sibuyan flora to that of the flora on the east coast of Luzon along the Pacific ocean, especially from Atimonan to Casiguran of Tayabas province.

Saturday 20 May 2023

Song Thrush Sounds

 The Singing Maestro: Song Thrush

Adorned with brown feathers speckled with intricate patterns, the Song Thrush is a small bird known for its tuneful prowess. Their melodious songs have earned them the title of "singing maestro" among bird enthusiasts. With a distinctive yellow eye-ring and a speckled chest, the Song Thrush presents a picturesque sight while serenading the surroundings.

Dawn Chorus: The Morning Serenade

At the break of dawn, nature awakens to a symphony like no other—the dawn chorus. It is during this time that Song Thrushes contribute their melodious tunes to the chorus, marking their presence with remarkable clarity. The tranquil ambiance of the morning serenade, orchestrated by various bird species, is heightened by the enchanting songs of the Song Thrush.

Musical Repertoire: Song Thrush Songs

The Song Thrush possesses a diverse repertoire of songs, each serving a unique purpose. Their songs are not only a delight to the human ear but also vital for their survival. Males often sing to establish their territories and attract potential mates. These songs contain a distinct rhythm and melody that echo through the woodlands, announcing their rightful presence.

Imitation Mastery: The Versatile Song Thrush

One of the remarkable abilities of the Song Thrush is its talent for mimicry. They have the skill to imitate other bird species, showcasing their versatility as singers. From the melodious tones of the Blackbird to the musical trills of the Nightingale, the Song Thrush effortlessly mimics a range of sounds, creating a symphony of diversity within its own songs.

Breeding Season: Love Songs in the Air

During the breeding season, the Song Thrushes' songs take on a new meaning. The male serenades potential mates with elaborate melodies, expressing his desire and suitability as a partner. The enchanting love songs fill the air, creating an atmosphere of courtship and excitement among these charming birds.

Regional Variations: Songs Across the Globe

Just as human languages have dialects, Song Thrush songs exhibit regional variations. Different populations of Song Thrushes have their unique musical dialects, making their songs distinct to specific regions. This fascinating phenomenon adds a touch of cultural diversity to the avian world, further highlighting the complexity of their melodious language.

Environmental Influence: Adapting to Urbanization

As urbanization expands, the Song Thrushes adapted remarkably well to city life. Their ability to thrive in urban environments showcases their resilience and adaptability. However, the increasing noise pollution and loss of green spaces present challenges for these songbirds, affecting their singing patterns and overall well-being.

Conservation Efforts: Protecting the Musical Avian

To ensure the continued existence of the Song Thrush, conservation efforts are paramount. Loss of habitat, pollution, and climate change pose significant threats to their populations. By preserving their natural habitats and creating awareness, we can safeguard the future of these melodious creatures.

Song Thrush in Literature: Inspiring Art and Culture

Throughout history, the mesmerizing songs of the Song Thrush have inspired artists, writers, and musicians. Their melodious tunes have found their way into poems, novels, and musical compositions. From Shakespeare's sonnets to classical symphonies, the enchanting songs of the Song Thrush have left an indelible mark on the creative world.

Therapeutic Melodies: Song Thrush Sounds for Well-being

The melodious songs of the Song Thrush have a profound impact on human well-being. The calming and soothing nature of their tunes contributes to stress relief and relaxation. Listening to their therapeutic melodies can transport us to a tranquil state, providing solace in the midst of our busy lives.

Birdwatching Delight: Listening to Song Thrushes

For avid birdwatchers, encountering a Song Thrush is a moment of delight. With their distinct appearance and melodious songs, Song Thrushes are a joy to observe. To enhance your birdwatching experience, listen to their tunes in woodlands and gardens during the early morning hours. Their singing can transform a simple outing into a magical adventure.

Appreciating Nature's Symphony: The Song Thrush Legacy

The legacy of the Song Thrush lies not only in their beautiful songs but also in the deeper connection they forge with nature. Their melodies remind us to pause and appreciate the intricate symphony of the natural world. Let us embrace the enchanting tunes of the Song Thrush and cherish their presence in our lives.


In the realm of avian music, the Song Thrush reigns as a masterful composer. Their melodious songs elevate our spirits, infusing the air with enchantment. However, as their habitats face increasing threats, it is our responsibility to protect and preserve these musical marvels. Let us listen, appreciate, and take action to ensure that future generations can revel in the poetic beauty of the Song Thrush's sounds.


  1. How long can Song Thrushes sing continuously?

    • Song Thrushes can sing for extended periods, often serenading their surroundings for several minutes without pause.
  2. Can Song Thrushes imitate human sounds?

    • While Song Thrushes are primarily known for imitating other bird species, some individuals have demonstrated the ability to mimic simple human sounds.
  3. Do Song Thrushes have regional accents in their songs?

    • Yes, Song Thrushes exhibit regional variations in their songs, showcasing unique musical dialects across different populations.
  4. Are Song Thrushes considered endangered?

    • Currently, Song Thrushes are not considered endangered. However, their populations face threats due to habitat loss and environmental changes.
  5. What other birds are known for their melodious songs?

    • Several other bird species, such as the Nightingale, Blackbird, and Mockingbird, are renowned for their melodious songs. Each brings its unique charm to the avian choir.

Sunday 12 February 2023

Sand-tracing pendulum drew weird squiggly lines.

The pendulum, which is used for sand tracing, recorded the seismic activity during the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Olympia, Washington in 2001. Scientists believe that the squiggly lines traced by the pendulum captured the intensity and duration of the quake's most intense trembles. This demonstrates the ability of a simple instrument like a sand-tracing pendulum to capture and record seismic activity. The information gathered by the pendulum can help scientists better understand the characteristics of earthquakes and improve earthquake prediction and mitigation efforts.

Sand-tracing pendulum drew weird squiggly lines.