Thursday 24 September 2015

Bloodwood Tree is a True Example of Majestic Nature of Planet Earth

Bloodwood tree is also called Pterocarpus angolensis is a kind of teak native to southern Africa, known by others names such as “Kiaat”, “Bloedhout” “greinhout”, “Mukwa”, and “Muninga”. The Bloodwood tree normally grows 12 to 18 meters tall, has dark-brown rough bark, a stunning umbrella-shaped spreading crown and bears beautiful yellow flowers. The Bloodwood tree is remarkable dark red colored sap with a chopped trunk or damaged branch of the tree begins dripping deep red fluid, nearly like a severed limb of an animal. The bloodwood tree is a true example of majestic nature of planet earth. The Bloodwood tree is regarded as an indicator of well-drained soils, as it is sensitive to frost and having reputed to be fire tolerant, making it an essential species for enrichment planting in areas where fire cannot be excluded entirely. The Bloodwood tree grows in the warm, frost free areas in the northeast of the country, northern Botswana, Mozambique, extending into Zimbabwe, and Namibia and northwards into other parts of Africa.

The striking sticky, reddish-brown sap seals the wound to help healing. The red sap is used conventionally as a dye and in few areas mixed with animal fat to make a cosmetic for faces and bodies. It is also thought to have magical properties for the curing of teething troubles concerning blood, seemingly because of its close similarity to blood. The Bloodwood tree is also used for treating various medical conditions such as eye problems, ringworm, stabbing pains, malaria, Blackwater fever, stomach problems, headaches, blood in the urine, earache, mouth ulcers and to increase the supply of breast milk. The Bloodwood also consider in making precious quality furniture, as it can be effortlessly carved, glues and screws well and takes a fine polish. Moreover, it also shrinks very little when drying from the green condition, and this superiority, together with its high sturdiness, makes it for the most part suitable for boat building, canoes and bathroom floors. Therefore, due to its great value to the native peoples of the central and southern Africa, these trees are being harvested at an unsustainable rate leading to its decline in recent times. 

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