Sunday, 27 December 2015

Hampton Court Palace

In 2003, Hampton Court Palace security staff were called to close one particular fire door near the palace's Clock Court, but instead caught on CCTV was a ghostly figure closing it instead. It has been nicknamed 'Skeletor'. When security staff got to the door it was already shut, with nobody seeing anybody around. The palace has had many previous ghost sightings prior to and after this incident.

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Magnificent Photo Shots Captures Man Flinging a Thermos of Hot Tea in Subzero Temperatures

Well, taking full advantage of the plummeting winter temperatures and armed with a thermos of hot tea, Michael Davies whose Ontario-based photographer and his friend Markus set out to depict some majestic photographs. Therefore, pair decide to trekking to the top of a mountain situated about 20 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle, the pair started throwing the leftover hot water into the air (which was a chilling -40°C) and snapping the liquid as it promptly froze before it even had a chance to hit the ground.
The photographs were taken fairly close to “Pangnirtung”, a community where Michael Davies has worked as a photographer for the past 10 years. Moreover the winter season in this remote northern town is extremely cold and dark, frequently with only a few hours of sunlight between sunrise and sunset. The spectacular photo shots were well planned, as Michel Davies tracked the temperature and took into account the angles, lighting, wind direction and speed in order to capture the superb photograph.

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Octopus Stinkhorn

This strange looking thing Is actually fungus, known as the ‘octopus stinkhorn’ or ‘devil’s fingers’ and has been recently spotted growing in the New Forest in England.Most fungi sprout from the ground but this one emerges from an egg and are often found in clusters.The mushrooms are native to New Zealand and Australia but made their way across to Europe in 1914.The four tentacle-like arms are covered in an brown goo which smells and attracts flies.

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Stylish Glassware Modeled After Star Wars Planets, Moon, and Death Star

The highly anticipated release of the newest star wars film, fans of the franchise are looking to rejoice their enthusiasm with appropriately-themed accessories. Therefore, think Geek has formed a product ideal for the Star Wars fan that enjoy amusing and it’s a Planetary Glassware Set, which includes features of four planets (Alderaan, Dagobah, Hoth, and Tatooine); one moon (Endor); as well as the famed Death Star. Moreover, the multicolored glasses have gorgeous photographic surface designs, with restrained textures that wrap around their forms. They don’t realistic appearance particularly the Death Star, which looks like it in fact has an indentation in the cup. Every vessel is somewhat translucent and can hold 10 ounces of liquid. Therefore, the Star Wars Planetary Glassware Set is at present available on ThinkGeek’s website. But if you’re not an enthusiast of the fictitious universe, the company also sells a alike set featuring planets in our solar system.

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Beautiful Eco-Friendly Hobbit Hole Homes can be built in Three Days only

Well, living deep is a unique idea of thought. I’m sure, you have never fantasied about living deep in the ground. For those who have dreamed of living in their own snug hobbit hole, they don't need to travel to Middle Earth to make the dream a reality. Instead of getting out the shovel and building your own habitable hole in the hillside, you can now simply order a ready-made one and tailor it to your exact specification as a year-round home or a place to retreat for a holiday perfect for growing vegetables and feeling at one with nature - and come with pools or hot tubs. Therefore, in one of the cozy hobbit holes that “J.R. R. Tolkien” so richly describes in his novels? A company named “Green Magic Homes is offering their consumers to avail the opportunity to do just that, with their easy to assemble pre-fabricated structures that can be covered with soil, to make an attractive home any hobbit would be happy to reside in. Perhaps it’d be the best part? It takes only three people to assemble on of these structures in three days, and they need no distinctive skills or heavy equipment. However, it is capable of housing a small kitchen, lounge and dining room, the pod could be used a man cave, guest house or even studio space.

Moreover the Green Magic Homes are composed of prefabricated vaulted panels made of laminate materials, with walls that are laterally reinforced by soil. Thus, the resulting structures are established and well-protected from the environment and UV radiation. For each component has perforated flaps that seal into one another, anchoring them to the foundation and letting for a firm installation. Furthermore composite ducts and channels for electrical wiring and water pipes, as well as mechanical ventilation ducts, can be added to the shell at any point. Moreover with a variety of sizes and shapes available, there is a customization home package offered for all. Would you want to live in a modern-day do-it-yourself style hobbit hole?

Exceptionally Rare Multicolored Bird Sighting in New York Attracts Crowds of Avian Enthusiasts

Well, nature is fully covered with beautiful things. No matter whatever things on planet earth, everything is beautiful and playing their role. Just like a particularly rare sightings of a male Painted Bunting in Brooklyn, New York's Prospect Park are ruffling the feathers of bird fanatics everywhere. The beautiful avian is naturally found around Florida and Texas, spending winters in Mexico; very very rarely does it come as far north as New York. In fact, according to data on record, this is the “first male Painted Bunting that’s ever had a recorded visit to Brooklyn” making sightings of this little guy about as common as catching a glimpse of a unicorn.

Therefore, this explains why the little fellow is causing hundreds of bird watchers and avian lovers to flock to the park, in hopes of a valuable look as his colorful plumage. It is most likely that a wind blew him up north, and he was tempted to stay due to the unusually warm November the city experienced. Therefore, with his vivid blue head and bright yellow shoulders that fade into a delicate green, the Painted Bunting is an extremely beautiful well deserving of the celebrity status he has gained in New York. 

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The World’s Largest Radio Telescope

 China begins testing world's largest radio telescope as construction of the £124 MILLION project enters final stage of completion, measuring 500 metres in diameter, being put through its paces with a dry run. The project name is called 'FAST' which stands for “Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Telescope” the device is being constructed in Guizhou Province, south-west China. The project has taken more than five years to build world's biggest single-aperture radio telescope which covers above the size of 30 football pitches and is presently running on schedule. Scientists carried out the last stages with hopes for a September 2016 completion.

Moreover, Chinese authorities and engineers tested important component inside the gigantic telescope before it goes live indefinitely. Thusa, a mechanism that weighs more than 30,000 kilograms and is suspended 160 metres above the reflector dish, which is still unfinished, and the reflector dish will collect up signals from the whole universe. The project was first proposed in 2003, as body of telescope measuring 500 meters across. Therefore, the huge dish is made up of more than 4,500 mostly triangular panels and its side panels measure 11 metres long, the motion of these panels alter the collective shape of the antenna. The new antenna is adept of reflecting radio signals from the universe to a focal point, where the receiver dome sits.

The design of the telescope is not too much difficult to understand, it is very similar to a TV antenna: “FAST” is similar to any television antenna on a roof, but it is so much larger that. Some astronomers predict it will not be long before new discoveries are found because of the advanced technology of FAST and also expect it to find unidentified stars in the Milky Way other more distant thousands of galaxies in different environments in the local universe. After the completion of its detection, FAST is expected to maintain world-class status for the next 20-30 years. Moreover, the massive radio telescope will cost about 1.2 billion Yuan (£124 million), making it the biggest astronomy project China has ever had. The remoteness of the location also protects the surrounding landscape from any damage.