Simon Beck earlier trudges across sand through knee high snow to make gigantic
geometric drawings left behind in his footprints. Basically driven by
super-human forces and undaunted by the powers of nature, sandy expanses on the
shore of New Zealand to frigid outlooks in the Swiss Alps, any pristine surface
that stretches for hundreds of meters can work as a suitable canvas for Beck’s
designs. Therefore, each site-specific piece is very well planned in advance on
a computer and prudently mapped out on-site before the artist starts his
grueling expedition.
after walking for entire days, the painstaking details of enormous fractals,
snowflakes, dragons, and undulating geometric forms are left in his wake often
with barely enough sunlight to depict a few quick photographs. However, you’ve
seen a number of pieces by Beck from the last year or so. Hence you can learn
about the fine details of his process in his book published of his work titled
Simon Beck: Snow Art. Moreover you can catch Simon Beck at Facebook.